Avoid these 16 mistakes and become a better Flutter engineer immediately:

4 min readMay 22, 2023


  1. Not using server-side logger: Utilize tools like Crashlytics or other logging solutions to track and analyze app crashes and errors on the server side.
  2. Not reviewing your own code: Always review your own code before creating a pull request (PR) to catch any mistakes or areas for improvement.
  3. Custom styling in Text Widgets: Instead of applying custom styles directly to Text widgets, use Flutter’s TextTheme to maintain consistent and easily modifiable styles throughout your app.
  4. Vague naming: Avoid using generic or unclear names for variables, functions, or widgets. Use descriptive names that accurately convey their purpose.
  5. Not testing edge cases and empty states: Test your app thoroughly, including scenarios where inputs are at their limits or empty, to ensure robustness and handle such cases gracefully.
  6. Not marking immutable variables as final: Improve code readability and safety by marking variables that don’t change as final.
  7. Using outdated or unmaintained plugins: Be cautious when using third-party plugins and libraries. Make sure they are actively maintained and compatible with the Flutter version you are using.
  8. Widget classes with 500+ lines of code: Split large widget classes into smaller, more manageable components to improve readability, reusability, and maintainability.
  9. Going for easy solutions vs. best solutions: Strive for the best architectural and design decisions, even if they require more effort, to ensure a scalable and maintainable codebase.
  10. Testing only on iOS but not Android: Test your app on multiple platforms, including both iOS and Android, to ensure consistent behavior and user experience.
  11. Not having clean architecture layers: Adopt clean architecture principles, such as separating presentation, business logic, and data access layers, to achieve better code organization and maintainability.
  12. Using functions to return a Widget: Avoid returning Widget instances directly from functions. Instead, use a widget class to encapsulate the logic and create the necessary UI.
  13. Write operations in the build method: Refrain from performing expensive or time-consuming operations within the build method, as it gets called frequently and can impact app performance.
  14. Using outdated Flutter version: Keep your Flutter version up to date to benefit from bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features.
  15. Leaving commented-out code: Remove commented-out code as it clutters the codebase and makes it harder to understand the active code. Use version control systems to track changes instead.
  16. Not using an auto-formatter: Utilize an auto-formatter like dartfmt or a Flutter IDE plugin to automatically format your code and adhere to the Flutter style guide, improving code consistency and readability.
  17. Not following Flutter best practices: Stay up to date with the Flutter community and best practices. Follow Flutter’s official documentation, style guide, and recommended architectural patterns.
  18. Lack of error handling: Implement robust error handling mechanisms throughout your app, including appropriate error messages and user feedback, to improve user experience and assist with debugging.
  19. Not utilizing Flutter DevTools: Familiarize yourself with Flutter DevTools, a suite of performance profiling and debugging tools. It can help identify performance bottlenecks, analyze widget tree structures, and optimize your app.
  20. Neglecting internationalization and localization: Plan for internationalization and localization from the beginning by externalizing strings and supporting multiple languages to make your app accessible to a global audience.
  21. Not optimizing images: Optimize and compress images used in your app to reduce the app’s size and improve loading times. Utilize tools like Flutter’s flutter_svg package for vector graphics.
  22. Ignoring platform-specific guidelines: Be aware of and follow the design guidelines and conventions specific to each platform (iOS and Android) to create a native-like experience and maintain consistency.
  23. Not leveraging Flutter packages and plugins: Explore and utilize Flutter packages and plugins from the Flutter community to add additional functionality to your app and save development time.
  24. Ignoring performance monitoring and analytics: Integrate performance monitoring and analytics tools like Firebase Performance Monitoring or AppCenter Analytics to gather insights and optimize your app’s performance.
  25. Not considering accessibility: Design and develop your app with accessibility in mind. Ensure proper labeling, support for screen readers, and adherence to accessibility guidelines for users with disabilities.
  26. Not staying updated with Flutter updates: Keep up with Flutter’s releases, new features, and bug fixes. Regularly update your project dependencies to benefit from the latest improvements and fixes.
  27. Not leveraging Dart features: Familiarize yourself with advanced Dart features like streams, futures, and async/await to write more expressive and efficient asynchronous code.
  28. Neglecting code documentation: Document your code using meaningful comments and documentation blocks to improve code readability and make it easier for other developers (including your future self) to understand and maintain your codebase.
  29. Lack of code reviews and collaboration: Engage in code reviews with peers and collaborate with other Flutter developers. This helps identify issues, learn from others, and improve your coding skills.
  30. Not exploring Flutter animations: Experiment with Flutter’s animation APIs to add delightful and engaging animations to your app. This can significantly enhance the user experience.

Remember, becoming a better Flutter engineer is an ongoing process. Continuously learn, practice, and seek feedback to refine your skills and deliver high-quality Flutter applications.




Written by ariba.dev

⚡Dart makes my heart Flutter 💙🧑‍💻 • ✨ Software developer🧑‍💻 • Looking for the best remote opportunity in EUROPE

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