How to remove all comments in Flutter Starter App
Sep 24, 2022


Types of comments

How to do it in Visual Studio Code.


  • Visual Studio Code
  • OS: Mac or Windows

For macOS


  1. Run flutter create in Terminal.
  2. Open main.dart in Visual Studio Code.
  3. Command + Option + F (⌥⌘F) [Replace].
  4. Command + Option + R (⌥⌘R) [Use Regular Expression].
  5. Type //.* in search form.
  6. Press the Tab key to go to the replace form.
  7. Command + Enter (⌘Enter) [Replace All].
  8. Command + S (⌘S) [Save], AutoFormat.

For Windows


  1. Run flutter create in Terminal.
  2. Open main.dart in Visual Studio Code.
  3. Control + H [Replace]
  4. Alt + R [Use Regular Expression]
  5. Type //.* in search form.
  6. Press the Tab key to go to the replace form.
  7. Control + Alt + Enter [Replace All]
  8. Control + S [Save], Auto-format.



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⚡Dart makes my heart Flutter 💙🧑‍💻 • ✨ Software developer🧑‍💻 • Looking for the best remote opportunity in EUROPE

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